The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art form that has been derived from the traditional jiu-jitsu martial art. The modern-day BJJ combat sports use a combination of different types of submission holds and ground fighting techniques. The main emphasis is laid on developing the skill to take an opponent to the ground and gain a dominant position by controlling the opponent’s movement. The first draft for the BJJ martial art form was brought into existence in 1920 by two Brazilian brothers after learning the basics from Kodokan Judo and Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. Over the years, there were different fighting and defense techniques developed in BJJ and it officially became a combat sport.
How effective is BJJ as a martial art form
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is highly effective when it comes to self-defense during an unprovoked and unwanted attack in real-life situations. People trained in BJJ can easily take control of the situation and the enemy by deploying different self-defense techniques aimed at taking a dominant position. Taking control of the situation without aggressively hurting the other person is what BJJ teaches when it comes to self-defense. The fundamentals of BJJs allow one to learn about the basics related to how different body movements work. You will be able to come up with quick solutions to surprise attacks and stressful circumstances in the real world. It is important to note that practicing the moves frequently using the right protective gear is the only way to master the art.

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Life-altering benefits of BJJ
Now that we understand what BJJ entails and how it can provide you with an effective way to improve self-defense, let’s dig deeper into some life-altering benefits that it can offer to people learning this martial art form. These benefits are related to both the physical and mental well-being of a person.
1. Toughness
One of the most important physical benefits that BJJ offers is toughness. The training sessions will be jam-packed with a lot of rough on the ground instances. You will be facing an opponent who will have a similar body stature so you must be prepared to be thrown on the ground during their dominant moves. To win a contest, you need to trip your opponent to the ground and force them into submission using different combinations of lock and hold. This entire process helps you in building your pain endurance and toughness your body physically to overcome hard situations.
Learning self-defense techniques is very important no matter where you are in the world. You might face a situation when you are alone and under attack from unknown enemies. Being prepared to defend yourself will help you put up a tough resistance and can even help you neutralize the opponent’s aggression using different techniques. People who have been training in BJJ for a long time and regularly practice it can easily defend themselves from surprise attacks and other threatening circumstances anywhere. It makes you mentally and physically prepared to fight anyone regardless of their size or stature. This will help you protect not just yourself but also the people around you in need of protection. Self-defense should be on the top of everyone’s priority list and learning this martial art form is the best way to accomplish your objectives.
One of the most commonly observed scenarios during BJJ training sessions is trips and falls to the ground. During the practice session, you and your training partner will trip each other several times during the practice sets. During the beginning of the BJJ training sessions, it is important to pass the training without any substantial injuries. This motivates BJJ followers to learn the art of falling to the ground without being hurt during the same. So how does the art of falling help you in real life? Well, many a time, during surprise attacks, the attacker might catch you off guards and thrash you to the ground. Your BJJ training will help you come out with a self-defense plan without many injuries during these circumstances.
A large number of Jiu-Jitsu training exercises aim to improve your cardiovascular health which improves your aerobic and anaerobic body functions. These exercises are intense and burn a considerable number of calories during each session. The use of different grappling techniques makes it a violent martial art form. The training sessions are designed accordingly to help you endure tough resistance and overcome your opponent during a fight. The training sessions are aimed at improving your overall physical conditioning. Besides cardiovascular exercise, the BJJ training also includes different types of resistance workouts including breathing and stretching exercises.
In addition to the physical benefits that we have discussed above, BJJ also offers numerous mental health benefits to those practicing the same. Facing your fears is the only way to overcome them and this is at the core of all BJJ training sessions. The mental stress of getting hurt is immense initially but throughout your training, you will be in a better position to face your fears. Developing the ability to face fear is not just useful during combat sports matches but is also highly beneficial for accomplishing other life goals. Being prepared mentally to face the worst is one of the most valuable skills that you can learn in life. Not fearing anything also boosts up your confidence which can help in performing better in all aspects.

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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is one of the most popular martial art forms that is practiced around the world. It might not be as old as some other forms such as Muay Thai, however, it is far more pragmatic when it comes to learning self-defense. The benefits of BJJ training exercises expand beyond combat sports. The values taught here apply to all aspects of your living and can drastically help to improve the same. This was a quick guide on how BJJ can help you live a better life. It also sheds light on some effective tips related to BJJ that can help you improve your training sessions and master the art without any hurdles.